Some books I’m almost done reading and I consider them as good resources (Jan 2025)
I consider myself as an eternal learner and a real tech enthusiast. In my learning path, I look lots of videos, read articles and mostly I read a lot of books (ruining my finances by the way 💀).
My background
I started as a programmer some 30 years ago…and shifted slightly to lots of other job roles, currently I have a big focus of my company’s AI product; (and I’m really fund of my job) but not long a while before I was more focused on cloud and clusters and IaC and DevOps and… So that is the reason why I read stuff which are sometime really apart in terms of technical domains.
Having said that, I just wanted to share some books I’m reading right now and I really enjoy them.
Disclaimer: I have no commercial affiliation with neither of the publishers of the books I mention here!!!!
Books in the area of LLMs
In the field of LLMs I would begin with the excellent book of “Build a Large Language Model (From Scratch)” from Sebastian Raschka. This is a step by step through creating your own LLM with a lot of great information about how the LLMs work.
The second one is “LLMs in Action” by Immanuel Trummer; this one is very OpenAI oriented, nonetheless gives a lot of information. The publishing is not finished yet, so there might be slight changes… (or not?) in the final revision.
In the domain of LLMs the 3rd book I’m reading now is “LangChain in Action” by Roberto Infante. This one gives a lot of great insights on LangChain.
Books in the area of Clusters and Kubernetes
The two books I read in parallel regarding Kubernetes are;
- “The Kubernetes Bible”, November 2024 edition, by Gineesh Madapparambath and Russ McKendrick and
- “Kubernetes — An Enterprise Guide” by Marc Boorshtein and Scott Surovich, again this one is a new edition of August 2024.
I find these two really nice because they are up-to-dated with new Kubernetes features (by the time they were written) and have a very nice technical insights on k8s.
What's next on my reading/learning list?
Agents are coming 🕵️♀️… so you know what I mean 😂
Cheers until the next one!